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Woodworker's Gazette
Gazette Archive 2/16/99

A Book Review: by Bill Sharp

Title: 52 Weekend Woodworking Projects

Authors: John A. Nelson

Published by Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
ISBN: 0806983000 Softcover $14.95 (Can. $20.95)

We've had a thread in the Infeed/Outfeed Forum about the length of time it might take to complete a project. Author John Nelson tells you right off the bat: these projects can be done in a weekend.

This book is definitely for the beginning woodworker. Most of the projects are quite elementary. The first, for example, is a simple cutting board, the second a clipboard. The rest of the projects do grow a bit more involved, of course.

The majority of the projects lack "style," but that, I think, is a function of their simplicity. These are not projects for furniture makers but rather for craft hobbyists interested in uncomplicated construction. Many have a "country" look and are decorated with cut-out hearts, a look that I don't find either cute or attractive but others do.

Author Nelson does include several simple but good-looking clock designs, for my money the best plans of his book. Also, those familiar with my web site will know that one of my e-mail buddies was looking for plans for a whirly-gig of a Dutch girl churning butter. Well hey now, here it is.

Other included plans are for several toys, some scroll saw projects, and country style boxes and totes. Nelson's instructions are quite clear, which makes this, once again, an ideal source book for the neophyte wood hobbyist.

Bill Sharp

Editor's Note: Sterling Publishing has graciously donated several books for review which are passed on to our members free of charge. Also, You can visit John Nelson's website to get his books directly.

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