Woodworker's Central
Woodworker's Gazette
Gazette Archive 5/26/00

A book review: By Edward Vaisvilas

Title: Weekend Woodworking for the Garden

Cindy Burda with Tom Stender

Published by: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
ISBN 0806920483
Price Hardcover: $27.95 (Canada $41.95 )
128 color pages

It's "Woodworking for Dummies," and that's not meant in a negative way.

My skills with wood creations are intermediate, at best. I've seen books and magazines which promise "easy to follow" instructions, only to discover that construction would be easy if I had a shop only Norm Abrams could love.

After thoroughly reading "Weekend Woodworking" and taking on a project (Duckboard Bench, page 102), I was honestly impressed. The lack of a need for expensive specialty tools, and the well written instructions make any project in the book a virtual breeze for the most inexperienced woodworker.

If you can follow step by step directions, you can build it.

Ed Vaisvilas

Editor's Note: Sterling Publishing has graciously donated several books for review which are passed on to our members free of charge in exchange for thoughtful, honest reviews. Thank You!

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